How to Beer Fest: 9 Tips to Make Your First Beer Fest Experience Awesome

Are you a newbie to the huge beer festivals that take place all summer long? Maybe a friend invited you to the summer kick-off festival at a local brewery and you have no idea what it is or what to expect. Don’t fret! With this “How to Beer Fest” guide, you’ll be ready for a beer fest of any size.
Tip #1: Pace Yourself
You’re going to be at the beer fest for a while, so you’ll want to make sure you take it in stride, especially if you’re at the type of festival with unlimited samples.
Tip #2: Eat and Drink Water
While you’re enjoying all the delicious beer, make sure you eat food and drink plenty of water. Drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea! If you’re allowed to bring a bag into the event, stash a bag of pretzels and a water bottle in there.
Tip #3: Be Ready for Long Lines
The lines to grab a beer can get long at times, but you’ll meet plenty of new friends while you wait. Long beer lines also means long lines for the bathroom, so keep that in mind, too.
Tip #4: Enjoy the Activities
The activities can vary depending on who’s throwing the party, but most festivals have games, live music, and maybe even food trucks. Festivals like these are perfect to go to with a group of friends and you’ll have a lot of fun socializing and enjoying the entertainment.
Tip #5: Bring Cash
Don’t leave your house without cash and your ID!
Tip #6: Be Prepared for the Weather
If it’s an outdoor event, you are going to want your sunglasses and a hat. If it’s an outdoor event and it’s raining, make sure you bring a rain jacket.
Tip #7: Dress Accordingly
Wear comfortable, casual clothes. You’re going to an event where people are drinking all day long, so there is a chance you’ll end up going home with some beer on your clothes. Leave your 4” heels at home for this event. Sneakers are ideal since you may be walking around all day.
Tip #8: Transportation
Before the day of the event, do some research to find the best public transportation to take; or go with a designated non-drinking driver. Be responsible!
Tip #9: Have Fun
This one is easy. You’re going to a beer festival. Enjoy it!
Bonus: Upcoming Beer Festivals
Are you one of the wonderful people organizing or pouring at a beer festival? We have an awesome, brand new bottle opener perfect for any brand. Check it out:

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